About ShapeAble

As the owner of Shape-Able , it gives me great pleasure to introduce myself to our readers. I’m Swathi Suresh, born in India, and currently located in the middle of the ‘mitten state’ – Michigan. I hold a Master’s degree in ‘Cancer Immunology’ from the University of Nottingham, UK, a Master’s degree in Neuroscience, and will soon have a PhD in Neuroscience. I love animals, I’m an amateur drummer, and really enjoy the outdoors!

As a scientist, I’m passionate about Shape-Able because it complements some of the research we conduct in our lab. Secondly, health and nutrition is fast becoming a priority for us, especially in the wake of a global pandemic. I’m going through my own health and fitness journey , and I’d love for you to join me  ! The path to better health is not one that’s easy , but the hardest things in life are really the things worth having. It’s easy to get derailed or get demotivated, but I hope that you reward yourselves for little victories, and appreciate your body in all it’s magnificence.

Shape-Able provides well-researched, informative, and reliable information to help empower you to live a healthier life. We take a holistic approach to health, with a belief that prevention is better than cure. For more than 10 years, Shape-Able has been providing information that is research backed, but easy to understand, and practical. We have provided journal reference links for you within the articles for deeper learning.

We try  to only recommend products that we’ve either used and loved ourselves or believe works from research. We’d love to hear from you about any posts that you liked, or want a specific topic to be written about. My favorite’s the article on changing negative patterns of thinking. We can’t wait to hear from you ; This blog is created and thrives only for YOU !




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